In order to better serve the people of the parish, we keep a database with parishioner information, including contact info, sacramental history, and donations. All of this information is confidential and secure. When someone first registers in the parish, they are considered active. But over time, people move away or stop all of their involvement in the church. We update our database periodically and remove households from our active parishioner list if:

  • There is no record of a donation given to the parish in the last three years. (We cannot record loose cash donations, but we do record anything given via personalized parish donation envelope, any online gifts, and any gifts made via check


  • There is no record of involvement in our faith formation programs, ministries, or groups.

If you are not sure of your active/inactive status, please contact our database manager, Thekla Keegan. You can also e-mail Thekla to update your contact information and add household members.

In reviewing our database, we have also found that many of our parishioners who started out as children are now adults but are still listed under their parents’ entries. We are working to change that, and to begin to create separate entries for our youth once they are confirmed. Please know that we take precautions to make sure that no adult has private communication with minor members of the parish.